Updated 06 April 2021
The safety and wellbeing of our staff, students and visitors are our highest priority. To help keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 outbreak, we have moved teaching online, closed non-essential facilities and cancelled or postponed on-campus events. There is a Government Advisory in operation against all non-essential international travel. Travel restrictions are in place to protect public health and to mitigate the risk of new variants of COVID-19 entering the country. Details of these measures are available on the travel section of the gov.ie website.
AISR is hoping to run on campus courses in 2021, subject to changes in government measures. Below we have detailed the measures we intend to take to maximise student and staff safety in light of Covid-19.
We are constantly monitoring updates from the Irish government. At the time of writing, the measures and practices described below are in accordance with what we believe to be the best possible interpretation of social distancing and other Covid-19 advice from the UK government. This will be constantly reviewed and updated as the situation changes.
Please note that these measures are intended to minimise the risk of spreading and / or contracting Covid-19. AISR cannot guarantee that students will not be exposed to Covid-19, and parents and students must understand that they travel at their own risk.
Who can attend these courses?
Courses are currently delivered online only.
Covid Secure Campus
Once face-to-face teaching can resume, at the time, government guidelines will be implemented and adhered to. Enhanced measures will be in place to minimise the risk of infection and transmission of COVID-19. Based on Government advice, these measures may include some or all of those listed below:
All staff trained in how to deal with suspected cases of COVID-19
Contingency plan in place for COVID-19 infection
Coronavirus risk assessments in place
Campus to be certified COVID compliant
Social distancing markers
One way systems
Hand sanitising stations around campus
Increased touch point cleaning (door handles etc.)
Groups of students segregated into “bubbles”
Students provided with wipes and hand gel in accommodation
Reduced capacity in accommodation to enable social distancing and limit numbers of students using shared bathrooms
Restricted use of shared spaces in accommodation
Use of face coverings indoors or when social distancing is not possible
Reduced capacity on transfer and excursion coaches to maintain social distancing
Increased staff supervision during break times