Director Bios and Credentials
Dr Turlough McIvor
BSc (Hons) DIS Biochemistry, DIS, PGCert Educational Technology, PGCert Further and Higher Education, PG Dip in Further and Higher Education, MCA, PhD
CEO/Principal/Director of Curriculum and Quality Enhancement
Dr. MIV is a Professor of Bio Physical Chemistry at Afriford University and a Professor of Chemical Education at Universidad San Juan De La Cruz (SJDLC). Dr. MIV is teaching students at SDJLC how to problem solve and think for themselves so that they are more employable worldwide.
Dr. MIV is an academic professional who fosters innovative science and maths programs through national and international organizations. Terry earned a BSc (with honours) in Applied Biochemical Sciences with a Diploma in Industrial Studies from the University of Ulster in 1996. From there he pursued higher degrees in teaching and postsecondary education, culminating in PhDs in Chemistry and Chemical Education (Physical).
Turlough worked as a Curriculum Manager of Science & Mathematics at the local College in Derry and he currently lectures in Physical Chemistry, Biochemistry, Physical Sciences, Nanochemistry, Mathematics and ICT.
An extensive experience in curriculum development to degree level.
Written a number of science programmes in partnership with Ulster University and the Open College Network.
Participated in Erasmus and Erasmus+ programmes researching and developing vocational skills curriculum in Germany and India.
20 years’ experience which involved supervising numerous projects both locally and internationally.
Published a paper in mathematical education with Queens University and the University of Maynooth.
Published papers in the areas of chemistry and Information Technology.
Organised an international conference with Ulster University
Co-ordinated the Salters Festival of Chemistry which was held at the local Collage in 2015, the first college in the UK to ever host the festival
Organised the International Conference Woman in STEM Conference, which was held at the local College in 2016.
Developed and led a team who were involved in launching a Maths Centre at the local College, the first of its kind in Northern Ireland.
Dr MIV is also:
An International Workshop facilitator and he represents Ireland in the Albert Schweitzer Society and is a visiting professor and scholar to schools in Costa Rica and India.
A Fellow of the American Institute of Chemists (AIC)
Author of a book targeted toward both teachers and students entitled “The Development of Learning Strategies in Chemical Education."
A professional member of the British Computer Society.
Part of the review panel of AIC for conferring chartered chemist status to successful candidates through the credentialing system administered by the National Certification Commission in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering (NCCCCE).
A member of the Biochemical Society, part of the panel for science education and an adviser for science education policy within the Biochemical Society.
A Vice President of Chartered Institute of Management and Leadership.
A leader in the development of teaching and learning strategies and also an active member of the Chambers of Commerce
A local entrepreneur who has set up successful educational training companies which focuses on vocational and skills training.
Turlough was instrumental in pioneering the local College’s strategy to establish a “Science Applied Research Centre” as part of the Department for Employment and Learning’s FE Strategy for centres of specialism, this project assisted in building of an applied research portfolio in this area.
Stanley started work with Du Pont (UK) as a Control Technician, this was one of the first multi-discipline positions in the UK at the time. Responsibilities included:
all Instrument and process control
all electrical installations including switchgear up to 33Kv.
Whilst at Du Pont, he studied for ONC in Electrical & Electronic Engineering.
He then moved to Northern Ireland Electric Service before moving to Occidental Oil in Libya, working on an LNG Gas Plant and Oil Producing facilities looking after all control systems associated with a large petrochemical complex including Sulzer, Ruston, Pratt & Whitney, & Solar gas turbines. Whilst at Occidental Stanley studied for an HNC in Electrical & Electronic engineering.
After several years with Occidental, he moved to ESI, a subsidiary of Solar Turbines which is part of Caterpillar Inc. Whilst at ESi as a Field Engineer, Stanley worked on numerous projects commissioning, installing, and troubleshooting various Turbomachinery packages worldwide. He was also assigned as part of the management team where Solar & Esi set up a joint venture in Venezuela which built, owned and operated an offshore Gas Compression platform for a major Venezuelan oil producer. Later he was assigned as Project Manager on major project in Egypt where ESi operated and maintained a Gas Compression facility for a major oil company.
Then Stanley took up a post as Electronics Engineer on a new project with Hunt Oil in Yemen. His duties there involved:
the installation commissioning
ongoing maintenance
troubleshooting of four Neuvo Pignoni (GE) Frame 5 gas compression units, Solar Power Generation units, and Rolls Royce Gas Compression packages
all instrument and Plc controls on a new major LNG plant.
This included setting up the DCS system and building screens for the operation, to assist with this, Stanley spent two weeks at the DCS software OEM facility in Houston Texas.
A couple of years later he returned to Solar and was assigned to Asia for 9 years, where Stanley was re-located to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia with his family, as Senior Field Service Engineer looking after an area from India to China including Myanmar Thailand, Indonesia, Singapore, Philippines, Hong Kong, Japan and Korea.
After nine years with Solar in Asia, Stanley took up a position as Maintenance Supervisor and Relief OIM on an offshore facility with Petronas in Myanmar. The facility was extended three times during his 12 years there, doubling the size of the first platform, and installing two more platforms which included six gas compression packages and five gen sets, as well as balance of plant required to safely run a complex offshore operation.
During his time with ESi, Solar Turbines, Hunt Oil, and Petronas, he conducted numerous training courses on all aspects of
Operation & Maintenance,
Control Systems,
Plc controls,
Relay controls
Power generation systems,
Gas Compressor control Systems, including Surge Control.
Clients included Shell (Brunei, Malaysia, & Phillipines), Petronas (Malaysia & Myanmar), EPMI- Esso (Malaysia), Daewoo, Thai Gypsum, Solar Turbines,(various worldwide locations) Gupco (Egypt), Maraven ( Venezeula) ONGC (India) Conoco (Thailand) Agip (Nigeria)
Adviser of Online and Distance Learning
Dr Dan Corbett graduated from Queen's University with a First Class Honours degree in Pharmacy in 2010, subsequently completing his pre-registration training at McMullan's Pharmacy in Belfast. After registering as a Pharmacist in 2011, Dr Corbett returned to the School of Pharmacy to complete a PhD in Biomaterials Chemistry, under the supervision of Professor Colin McCoy, within the Pharmaceutical Science and Practice cluster. Since completing his doctorate, Dr Corbett took responsibility for student recruitment at the School from 2014-2015, whilst also carrying out a number of teaching responsibilities. Dr Corbett is Lecturer (Education) in Pharmaceutical Sciences, with a majorty of his teaching taking place at the China Medical University-Queen's University Belfast Joint College (known as CQC), located in Shenyang, People's Republic of China. Dr Corbett's current research interests lie in the development of polymer-based medical products which exhibit properties such as infection resistance, enhanced biocompatibility, and drug delivery. In addition to these roles, Dr Corbett authors articles for a number of publications, and works for the Northern Ireland professional pharmacy regulator.
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Limam,
Consultant - Big Data
Mohamed Limam holds a PhD in Statistics from Oregon State University (OSU), USA, in 1985, and a MSc in Statistics, from the same university in 1981. He started his career as an Assistant Professor at OSU, then at King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. In 1994, he moved to Tunisia as Associate Professor of statistics at the University of Tunis. His research interests include the area of Applied Statistics, Data Mining, Statistical Process Control and Quality Management. He supervised more than 30 MSc and 24 PhD theses and authored more than 140 research publications. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Quality and Standards. He was the head of the Laboratory of Operations Research Decision and Control of Processes, the Founder and President of the Tunisian Association of Statistics and its Applications from 2008 to 2011. Prof. Limam was the Dean of the Management School (Institut Superieur de Gestion) at the University of Tunis from 1995 till 2001, then Vice President of the same University from 2007 till 2011. From December 2012 till August 2019, he was the Deputy Vice Chancellor of Dhofar University, Salalah in the Sultanate of Oman. Currently he is the Academic and Quality Consultant for the University Ibn Khaldoun a private University in Tunis, Tunisia
Non Executive Director of Finance
Michael Flanagan is head of Taxbuster Accountants, an accountancy firm, with a number of offices in both Ireland and the UK.
He is a fellow of The Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland and a member of the Institute of Taxation. He has worked in PwC in Ireland, UK and Boston. He has wide experience in both large business and small business. He has written various taxation and economic articles for newspapers in Northern Ireland and London.
Consultant of Medical/Biomedical Innovation
Dr Cherian - McIvor has attained her initial qualification in the field of medicine and Anaesthesia from India. She then moved to the UK for further experience and worked in different hospitals across Ireland. She passed the Fellowship exam from the College of Anaesthetist, FCARCSI and was appointed as a Consultant Anaesthetist in 2009 and she currently works in Altnagelvin Hospital, Londonderry, a multispecialty hospital. Dr Cherian - McIvor has been involved in research projects during her training in Northern Ireland including study on remifentanil for labour analgesia and she has a keen interest in Obstetric Anaesthesia and is currently Lead Anaesthetist for obstetrics in the Department. She takes active interest in patient safety and quality improvement projects and is currently the clinical governance lead for Anaesthesia at Altnagelvin Hospital. Dr Cherian - McIvor has been involved in high quality audit projects and has also been local lead investigator for 2 national Audit projects within her department. She has presented posters at national and international meetings and has also been an invited speaker at the Western Association of Anaesthetists meeting. She has been an instructor on the Advanced Trauma Life support course and she is currently involved in multidisciplinary simulation based teaching in obstetrics and updating the departmental guidelines for obsteric anaesthesia.
Executive Director of International Public Relations
I was born on the 13th. January 1948, to Goodly parents, Father served in HM Forces in the RAMC. That’s why I have lived all over the world. Including Malaysia, Singapore, Penang, Kualalumpor, Malta GC, Germany thrice, Hamburg, Dusseldorf, and Osnabruck, apologise for the spelling.
I attended a few schools, as my father would have been posted every 2 to 3 years. Parkgate primary school in Cheshire. Malta RAF School at Luqa, and the Royal Naval School Talhandaq, Chiltern School, Deyes Lane, Maghull Liverpool.
I attended the:
1. Runsure College, Leyland, did my A-Levels.
2. I attended the University of Central Lancashire I did a Combined Honours Degree BA/BSc. Business Management and Philosophy.
3. Attended the Corpus Christi College Cambridge reading Leadership Skills and Managing Performance certificate.
4. University of Central Lancashire - University Certificate in Forensic Science.
5. British Red Cross first aid,
6. Ambassador to East Belfast Visitor Centre.
7. Administrator to St. Christopher’s Larder (Food Bank in East Belfast, distributed over 15,148 food parcels within the last 5 years since it’s opening.
8. Member of the St. Christopher’s Steering Group.
9. Member of the Royal Order Most Honourable Order of Omukama Chwa II Kabalega as the European Co-Ordinator.
10. Past Founder / CEO / Chairman of Ultra Rare Decease and Disability Foundation Northern Ireland.
11. Past Member of the Royal Household Staff, as Queen’s Footman / Butler.
12. After Dinner Speaker, (Royal Household experience).
13. Secretarial experience in Local Charities.
International Education Consultant
Calum Morrison is an International Education Consultant at CJM Education which is a Global Education Services provider. He has over thirty years of experience in Further and Higher Education and over twenty of these years have been at Senior Management Level.
From 2014 to 2019 he was President of Ulixes an EU Training and Research organisation www.ulixesnet.eu
Has experience of leading and managing education projects in Europe, India, China and SE Asia. Calum had also been senior manager in charge of different European projects delivered in partnership through ERASMUS, Lifelong Learning and Erasmus +.
Previously Calum was the Director of Curriculum of the North West Regional College (NWRC) with responsibility for the development and delivery of the college curriculum which ranged from entry level to post graduate. This position required overall responsibility for the development and delivery of the Curriculum from Level 1 to Level 7 on the European Qualifications Framework. Before this worked for the University of the Highlands and Islands in Scotland. He continues to participate in promoting research, training and educational programmes through collaboration with European and International partnerships. Calum is also a Fellow of the Chartered Management Institute (FCMI) and a Member of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (MIET).
Director of Education and Business Development Nigeria
Prince Adeniyi John, Founder/CEO of Global Scholarship Trust (GST). A Non Governmental Organisation that conducts scholarships exams with the sole aim of diminishing educational barriers. He holds B.Sc in Computer Science from the prestigious Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Nigeria and he's a member of Chartered Institute of Commerce of Nigeria. a certified CISCO Network Administrator (CCNA), Senior Research Fellow (SRF), Institute of Commerce Research and Enterprise Development (ICRED) and Fellow, Chartered Institute of Educational Practitioner UK (FCIEP-UK). John, through his philanthropic work, has awards scholarships to the indigent and less privileged Nigerian Studens to have access to quality and affordable education, home and abroad. He is an experienced and seasoned Manager, Social Entrepreneur, Educationist/Literacy Advocate and Social Worker who has served in so many management capacities with over 15 years of experience. He has served as chairman to numerous committees and in some cases as a dedicated member to some of these committees.
Visiting Professor of Artificial Intelligence to AISR
Professor Paul Mc Kevitt is from Co. Donegal (Dún Na nGall), Ireland on the northwest of the European Union (EU) and was born in the Year of the Dragon. He is Visiting Professor of Artificial Intelligence at AISR. He directed the 23rd International Loebner Prize Contest in Artificial Intelligence (AI) (2013) held, for the first time on the island of Ireland, is Co-Director of the [HE]Arts of STEM initiative at Ulster University, investigating how arts and technology inform each other, and has contributed to genesis of `The Imagineering Quarter' [(c) 2009, PM] in the City of Derry~LondonDerry~LegenDerry, which backed the City's successful bid for First UK City of Culture 2013.
He is a Board Member of the `Amelia Earhart STEAM Zone' children's STEAM centre registered Charity and is Vice-Chair of Ulster University's Convocation Executive Committee.
He is Professor Emeritus in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences, Ulster University, Magee, Derry~LondonDerry~LegenDerry, Northern Ireland. Previously, he was Head of the Faculty of Arts Research Graduate School (Pro-Tem) and Chair in Digital MultiMedia in the School of Arts & Humanities.
He has been Associate Professor (Senior Lecturer) in the School of Electronics, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, The Queen's University of Belfast, Northern Ireland, Visiting Professor of Intelligent MultiMedia Computing in the Institute of Electronic Systems, Aalborg University, Denmark and a UK EPSRC (Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council) Advanced Fellow in the Department of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, England. The Fellowship, commenced in 1994, and released him from his Assistant Professorship (tenured Lectureship) for 5 years to conduct full-time research on the integration of natural language, speech and vision processing. He has been Visiting Professor at LIMSI-CNRS, Orsay, Univ. Paris Sud, France, Visiting Fellow at the School of Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, and Research Scientist and Research Fellow in the Department of Computer Science, New Mexico State University, New Mexico, USA.
He completed a Master's degree in Education (M.Ed.), at the University of Sheffield, England (1999), his Ph.D. in Computer Science, at the University of Exeter, England (1991), his Master's degree in Computer Science (M.S.), at New Mexico State University, New Mexico, USA (1988) and his Bachelor's degree in Computer Science (B.Sc., Hons.), at University College Dublin (UCD), Ireland (1985).
He has published numerous research papers in international journals, conferences and books, has been awarded 3 UK/international patents and is co-founder of, and shareholder in, a Magee campus spin-out company,
ActionSense Ltd. (fomerly HidInImage Ltd.). He has secured research and education funding from the Higher Education Authority (HEA) Ireland (PRTLI-V), the British Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the European Union (Esprit [Open-LTR], TEMPUS, Erasmus, Socrates), The Royal Society, The British Council, Invest Northern Ireland (NISPO Funds, Proof-of-Concept, RTD Networking, Innovation Vouchers), InterTradeIreland (Fusion), Enterprise Ireland (Innovation Vouchers), UK Teaching Company Scheme (TCS) and industry (US WEST Advanced Technologies [Denver, CO, USA], Seagate Technology [Derry/Londonderry], 360 Production [Derry/London]).
His primary research interests are in Natural Language Processing (NLP) including the processing of sentiment, emotions, beliefs and intentions in dialogue. He is also interested in Philosophy, Digital Creativity, Digital Empathy and the general area of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
Director of Education Gujarat, India
Versatile professional, with 23 years in the Hospitality industry as General Manager and 15 years in the education sector as Director. Presently employed as Professor, HOD for Department of Hospitality and Tourism at TeamLease Skills University, Vadodara, Gujarat.
Academic & Technical Credentials :
A PhD in Tourism & Management and MBA in HR have provided him with great inputs of Operational and Administration Skills with in depth know-how in strategic planning and conceptualizing of services and products. Besides that he has also done Post-Graduation Diploma in Business Administration and Post-Graduation Diploma in Industrial Relation and Personal Management.
Diploma in Catering & Hotel Management
Worked at CESPL as CEO (2013- 2015)
As the CEO of Composite Education Solutions I was responsible for ; Brand Development, Strategic Planning, Mentoring of Teachers and counselors and adhering to Core Company value systems. Execution of CSR activities for corporate.
Ms Fernandes , Director, Vadodara ( 2012 – 2013)
Brand Development, Strategic Consulting, Mentoring of Teachers and counselors to achieve overall goals. Placement for candidates. Consultant for providing systems in Hotels and Institutes.
International Institute of Hotel Management, Director at Delhi Campus,(2001 – 2012)
Coordinating with Edinburgh Napier University (UK) and University of West London for In house delivery of lecture and took part in discussions for smooth and effective functioning of the Academics and Examinations.
Attended staff development programs conducted by Edinburg University
Selection recruitment & Induction of Staff and Student counselling and encourage active participation of parents with the institute
Strategic Management Areas for marketing, positioning and expansion program.
Gujarat Institute of Hotel Management, (AICTE approved Institute 2007-08) Director from Nov 2001- June 2011
Directing and controlling the education / training / placement recruitment, training & Induction of Staff.
Delivered lectures in Food and Beverage Service, Facility Management.
Conducted awareness sessions for faculty members on “ Stress Management “ “ Motivation” and “Teambuilding”
Savshanti Chain of Resort Hotels - General Manager, (1989 – 2001)
Hotel Hillock, Mount Abu General Manager ( 1988 -- 1989 )
Hamad Medical Corporation Doha Qatar. Catering department (1981 –1987)
Educational Psychologist
Tom McIvor is an educational psychologist and CBT therapist. Coming from Ireland Tom has lived in NZ for the last 20 years. He has taught English, worked with people Dyslexia, psychologist role with the Ministry of Education working with schools, families as well as training teachers, and working with children and adolescents.
My particular areas of interest: include anxiety, depression, dyslexia, ADHD and other learning difficulties. I have a keen interest in neuro-psycotherapy and schema therapy. I can work with both child and adult clients to create therapeutic environment where clients' stories can be told with clients secure in the knowledge that their information is protected by strict confidentiality.