Improving STEM Education Across European Schools

This project focuses on the skills and competencies of STEM teachers; the development of STEM learning materials and lesson plans; and on the development of an online STEM mentoring platform and scheme.
According to the benchmark set by the European Union, the percentage of fifteen years old young people with insufficient abilities in mathematics and science should be reduced to 15% by 2020. Teachers must be given all the support they need in order to reach this common goal for Europe and improve pupils' performances in mathematics and science. Hence it is essential that schools, teacher education institutions, universities and educational authorities support and stimulate the teachers' innovation and experimentation in the classroom.
GENERAL OBJECTIVE of the STEM project is to develop a methodology for teachers/educators and to develop and implement innovative pedagogies and methods for teaching and assessing STEM in the classroom, making it more attractive in the eyes of young people and students.
The project will produce the following outcomes:
State of the Art Report, which will analyse the challenges and cause of problems of STEM teachers, their skills and competences, and level of digital skills
E-learning platform: The project website will act as an e-learning area, where target users will be able to find different training materials and e-courses that teachers will be able to use within the classroom.
Virtual Mentoring Scheme, where STEM mentors and mentees could communicate,exchange ideas and discvover STEM career paths.
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